cathedral 于 Cn
About 13 results.
Taiwan Soka Gakkai - Huashan Grace Cathedral
Songlin Road 79, 646 Gukeng Township, Taiwan台灣創價學會官方網站。內容包含創價基本介紹、「文化、教育、和平」運動、和樂電子新聞、日蓮大聖人御書全文檢索…等。
Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village
大林村金天巷 45, 555 Yuchi Township, Taiwan九族文化村鄰近日月潭以原住民文化、歐洲花園、頂尖的遊樂設施聞名台灣,最熱門的設施包括:「加勒比海探險」水上雲霄飛車、自由落體UFO、懸吊式雲霄飛車「馬雅探險」、金礦山、太空山等遊樂設施,而娜魯灣劇場「原住民歌舞表演」、九族廣場「祭典會所」的祭典演出,更是遊客絕不能錯過的演出。新開通之「日月潭纜車」連結日月潭,開創陸海空3D旅遊新玩法,滿足各年齡層旅遊需求。 原住民部落區裡多種「原」味十…
Holy Family Catholic Church
Section 2, Xinsheng South Road 50, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan您好,歡迎來到天主教台北聖家堂!!!
203縣道 107, 880 Magong City, TaiwanJehovah’s Witnesses: Our official website provides online access to the Bible, Bible-based publications, and current news. It describes our beliefs and organization.
社苓9鄰 105號, 358 Yuanli Township, TaiwanJehovah’s Witnesses: Our official website provides online access to the Bible, Bible-based publications, and current news. It describes our beliefs and organization.
Zhubei Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
Zhonghe Street, 302 Zhubei City, TaiwanJehovah’s Witnesses: Our official website provides online access to the Bible, Bible-based publications, and current news. It describes our beliefs and organization.