archive 于 台北

About 50 results.


Section 1, Hangzhou South Road 15-1, 10050 Zhongzheng District, Taiwan

esound's website




Section 8, Civic Boulevard 613, 115 Nangang District, Taiwan

小小PETIT指甲油|人氣部落客-村子裡的凱莉哥創辦天然指彩|水性無毒指甲油 | 安全不傷甲| 日本IG超熱門商品|送禮首選|兒童孕婦安心使用,讓指尖飛揚著繽紛的色彩,是每個女孩的夢想。懷抱著童年的小小心願,我們為妳最親愛的寶貝,設計無毒可剝指甲油,隨時都可以讓指甲變得更漂亮。



PN Wedding 蝴蝶視覺影像工作室

台北婚攝推薦 領導品牌,人氣婚禮攝影師Jeff Chou,高質感婚禮攝影首選,榮獲多項國際婚禮攝影大獎,以神奇的婚禮紀錄魔法,細膩記錄歡笑與淚水的瞬間,專注婚禮細節的職人精神,讓PN Wedding婚禮攝影工作室成為眾多新人一致推薦的婚攝領導品牌。

臺大校史館 Gallery of National Taiwan University History

Section 4, Roosevelt Road 1, 106 Da’an District, Taiwan

台大校史館 台大生活記憶 台大人生活軌跡


ManageBac helps over 2,500 leading international schools to implement and manage the IB curriculum. A service of Faria Education Group

Taipei City Archives

Section 1, Zhonghua Road 174-1, 108 Wanhua District, Taiwan

Institute of Modern History Archives, Academia Sinica

Section 2, Academia Road 128, 115 Nangang District, Taiwan

Research Stash

Curated collection of tools & News for S.T.E.M researchers

IFG Farglory Square

Section 1, Xintaiwu Road 93-99, 221 Xizhi District, Taiwan

遠雄廣場(iFG Square)為遠雄企業團首度跨足百貨零售業的第一間購物商場。第一階段開幕試營運主要為地下一樓的百匯美食街及嶄新風貌的家樂福法式概念店,以及A棟1F、2F高知名度主題餐廳。

HDE Taiwan, Inc.

Section 2, Keelung Road 51, 110 Xinyi District, Taiwan

HDE 是日本雲端安全業界的領導者,HDE One 提供在 Microsoft Office 365,G Suite (Google Apps for Work),Salesforce 等雲端服務上更加值的安全防護。

Mentor Trust

民權東路三段37號, 104 Zhongshan District, Taiwan



Section 3, Kangning Road 23, 114 Neihu District, Taiwan

| 威帶夫潛水用品有限公司

Proofpoint Taiwan

Proofpoint is a leading next-generation cybersecurity company that protects the way people work today. Proofpoint provides comprehensive cloud-based cyber security solutions that protect organiza…

Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica

中央研究院是台灣最高的學術研究機構。目前在廖俊智博士領導之下,致力於數理科學、生命科學及人文與社會科學三方面之基礎科學研究。資訊科學研究所於 1977年開始設立籌備處,歷經五年籌備,於1982年9月正式成立研究所,是中央研究院數理組十個單位之一。目前編制內有35位研究人員,另外有22位博士後研究學者,將近300位專任之資訊技術人員與非全時之研究助理,支援資訊領域之研究與系統之開發。「件件…


Proofpoint is a leading next-generation cybersecurity company that protects the way people work today. Proofpoint provides comprehensive cloud-based cyber security solutions that protect organiza…

Avignon Florist 亞維儂花藝設計

Alley 34, Lane 123, Section 6, Minquan East Road 12, 114 Neihu District, Taiwan

Send flowers to Taiwan the easy way. As a local, family owned flower shop we pride ourselves in our personalized flower delivery to Taipei area Taiwan. If it's important to you, trust it to us!

Keqiang Park Swimming Pool

Lane 55, Huangxi Street 2, 111 Shilin District, Taiwan


花旗銀行 南港分行

興東街, 115 Nangang District, Taiwan



最多選擇的Esprit 服飾系列。提供免費顧客服務專線,新台幣2000元以上訂單即享免費的快速送貨服務,接受VISA 及MasterCard 信用卡付款。


Dahushanzhuang Street 217, 114 Neihu District, Taiwan



Section 1, Datong Road 137號, 221 Xizhi District, Taiwan


Nike 經銷商門市 - 福城汐止遠雄

為激勵全世界的運動員,Nike 精心設計創新產品、精彩體驗及貼心服務。 特定訂單可享有免費退貨及免運費服務。

National Archives and Records Administration Development Committee

Zhongping Road 439, 24220 Xinzhuang District, Taiwan